5 things you do on Facebook (because you're too stupid too know better)
5 things you do on Facebook (because you're too stupid too know better), I remember when people knew that giving out too much information could get you in trouble, maybe even killed. For example, a latch-key kid at home alone would get in trouble if they told a caller or visitor that their parents were gone. The phrase was usually "he/she's in the bathroom" or "he/she's asleep". The idea was to not let people know that they were alone. It was the only time a child was given permission to lie, and it prevented robberies and possible abductions. You see, keeping your information to yourself was a good thing. Nowadays, as I look through Facebook, I wonder how people are willing give up so much of their personal information. There's so much "tmi" going on, I put together a list of my top five things people should stop sharing on Facebook. 1. Stop complaining about your boss/job/co-workers If you're lucky enough to be able to get on Facebook...