Julie Bowen Crush, Modern Family” viewers have been fawning over Colombian beauty, Sofia Vergara, since she first appeared on the ABC sitcom's pilot four years ago, but according to a self-admission made by her co-star, viewers may not be the only one's smitten with the actress. Julie Bowen, 43, who plays a straight-laced mother of three on the hit comedy, said she's not only a friend of Vergara, but also an admirer.. REPORTED “Who doesn’t [have a crush on her]?” Bowen, who backtracked, embarrassed, told the Los Angeles Times. “I can’t believe I said that, but, yeah, sure, on Sofia.” Bowen, who's the married mother of three in real life, elaborated on her “girl crush.” “I sort of worship Sofia though. It’s more of like … a girl crush I feel like you would have on somebody who you don’t know, like Katy Perry or something, somebody like far away. But Sofia, I know and see all the time.” Vergara has been praised for her figure, and most recently, her new blonde locks, but ...