April Jones was likely raped, dismembered and burned by suspect

April Jones was likely raped, dismembered and burned by suspect, April Jones will possibly never be found. That's because details were released on April 30, 2013 about the suspect in her disappearance and the evidence against him. The Mirror News site reported some extremely gruesome details that indicate a potential improbability in locating her remains. What's more: Mark Bridger has appeared to make a total mockery of the court system by pretending not to know what he did with her body. This case has taken a horrific turn from once being a suspicious kidnapping and death case to a trial drenched with accusations of sexual assault, dismemberment, desecration and child pornography. There are even a few other missing children thrown into the mix.

Mark Bridger is said to have a "lurid fascination" with child pornography and a fascination with murdered and kidnapped children from both Europe and the States. A veritable stockpile of child porn was found in his possession as well as collected photos of Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman and Jessica Lunsford. These files were strangely named after April's two sisters either in an attempt to mask them or for some reason pertaining to his obsession.

Mark Bridger told officials that he accidentally hit April Jones with his vehicle and then panicked, but doesn't know what he did with her remains. Contrary to his claims officials found a tremendous amount of blood belonging to the child in his cottage home. Fragments of a child's skull were also found in his fireplace along with a destroyed boning knife. He is accused of raping April Jones and going to great lengths to destroy the evidence of it. It looks as though the copious amount of child pornography might lend to his undoing.


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